Friday, November 1, 2013

Monthly Update: November

October was a long month full of ups and downs.  Let's start with downs and get them out of the way so we can move on to the fun stuff. 
To start with; running was a major low for me. I had to take three weeks off due to an injury and I am slowly attempting to work my way back.  So far, it is turning out to be a long recovery process. I am still hopeful that by December I will be back in the swing of things. Of course, that leads me into my next point of accountability.  Despite not being able to run for a big chunk of cross-country season, I have lost almost 10lbs purely from not eating sweets all season.  While I am glad for the weight loss, it snapped me into the reality of just how much sugar I had been consuming prior to cross-county season, and I am a bit worried about what is going to happen when the season is over; especially because one of my cross-country moms is going to make me a tray of sweet stuff at the end of the season to make up for all the goodies I have been turning down. 
Now on to the highlights of the month.  The two challenges I actually wanted to do this summer yielded wonderful results.  Little Man and I completed our Adventure Challenge for the State Parks and have two new season's passes for next year.  Then...drum roll please....the Sizzling Summer Challenge I did though my insurance with only one grand prize winner turned out to be a huge success.  Mid-winter, when the temperature is at its coldest, we will he heading to Jay Peak for the weekend and chilling (Really? You used the word "chilling"?)  in the Pump House Water Park, pretending we  live in a warmer climate. 
There you have it, my November update with all of its highs and lows. 

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