Tuesday, October 29, 2013

For Grandma

As you may have noticed, apples are a major theme in our lives during the Fall.  We live in a great place for apples and, more importantly, cider doughnuts.  Little Man has a favorite location, which also happens to be Grandma's favorite cider doughnut place as well.  So this one is for you Grandma, we went, we watched them press cider, and then we watched each freshly made doughnut make its way down the little doughnut making conveyor belt and right into a nice little to-go bag.  Sorry Grandma, the bag did not even make it past the picnic table out front.  You'll just have to come visit next Fall. 

1 comment:

  1. Papa found out that particular store ships donuts out of state....maybe we will have some for Thanksgiving?!
