Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Things We Do

Carrots are one of those foods that you can actually leave in the ground all winter.  The problem with this; you need a special tool to get them out of the frozen ground in the winter.  While they do taste significantly better as the cold sets in, I decided to wait as long as possible (I am not a patient person) to dig whatever we had left in the ground up for the winter.  I have been removing some for dinners as we have needed them.  Tonight was one of those nights.
Tonight my patience wore off and I decided to dig up everything that was left.  Now there are a few problems with this: 1. Daylight Savings time ended last weekend. 2. I am still coaching cross-country.  3. We have a family of skunks living in the back yard.  All this equates to me jumping out of my car the minute I drove into the yard, grabbing the hoe and violently hacking at the ground in the dark about as quickly as I could, still in my cross-country clothing.  Do you have that picture in your head?...good because it is probably exactly how you are picturing it. 
In the end, I had a bucket full of carrots (yes, our carrots are purple-they are much better than the orange ones). 

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