Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lunch at The Farmers Market

Due to the purchase of some Christmas gifts I can not disclose all that we bought this past weekend at the Farmers Market.  What I can tell you is; the Samosa Man has been missing for the past few weeks, and Little Man was forced to choose something different to eat for lunch.  He did not stray far, and choose something similar to a samosa from the man selling food from Pakistan.  It was spicier than a samosa and Little Man scarfed it down and told me he loved it more than a samosa.  However, while I was buying an enchilada from another vendor, the Samosa Man walked by and stopped to talk to Little Man for a little bit.  He will be back at the next farmers market, as he has been making renovations to the building he makes the famed samosas in, and Little Man is happy to have him back. Sorry man-with-other-samosa-like dish; nothing will deter Little Man's love for his samosas. 
In addition to this, after we bought a few items; Little Man insisted we stop at the elderberry cider vendor.  Since it was a bit warmer, Little Man bought a strawberry-rhubarb soda.  While it is just carbonated water with a fruit syrup, Little Man left with a smug little look on his face.  When we got back to the car he happily announced "You told me I could never have soda, but I am drinking it now." Keep dreaming Little Man........

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