Saturday, July 7, 2012


If you read my earlier strawberry blog, you will remember that I was very excited about the strawberry pots I received for Mother's Day this year.  However, I have discovered one problem.  The infestation of chipmunks have decided that they are by no means going to allow me one measley strawberry from my wonderful pots.  Note the almost ripe strawberry below.  By tomorrow, before it every has a chance of becoming a wonderfully ripe strawberry, it too will be gone. 
My response to these horrible vermin who are eating my plants - did I mention that they dug up all of my sunflowers the second they sprouted this year?  Anyway, my response, there is a wonderful Hav-A-Hart trap strategically located by my strawberry pots.  All chipmunks will  be residing someplace far, far away by the end of the week, every last one of you. 

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