Friday, July 6, 2012

Test of Patience

I think I finally get why my dad used to do his projects when I was not in the house.  As a parent, you want to include your child in as much as you can and teach them them all that there is. Of course you can paint with me, Little Man. 
 Then all of a sudden it hits you why daddy has moved himself across the garage and firmly stated that he will be the only one paining his Adirondack chair.  Note the zen-like state of said father.  You, on the other hand, are trying to keep the little person painting with you from getting paint on everything (including you) and quickly following behind him touching up his painting job. 
 When he finally gets bored with painting and says he wants to skateboard, you try to refrain from showing too much excitement with his new choice activity.  Do anything you want Little Man, just drop the paint brush. 
 First coat finished and everyone has survived the whole ordeal.  I think I will put the second coat on at midnight when there is no chance of anyone asking to help. 

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