Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Complete and Utter Defeat

Given Little Man's new and utter love of hiking, I decided to continue to feed his desire to hike this past weekend.  On our way to grandpa's house, we decided to stop off in Groton and hike Owl's Head.  Let me preface this with, there are two ways to hike up the mountain; you can take the easy kid-appropriate 1.7 mile hike to the top, totally doable by the Little Man, or drive up the mountain and hike the last .2 of the trail.  Either way the view at the top is great, though somewhat nerve wracking for the mom of a four year old every time he goes within ten feet of the edge ("you must hold mommy's hand at all times at the top of the mountain").

Little Man and I decided to take the longer route to the top and start from the bottom.  We set out with our first dose of bug spray on before we left the car and off we set.  Ten minutes in and three black flies removed from the corner of little mans eye, I was applying a second dose of bug spray and wishing I had something stronger then the kids stuff.  Five minutes later Little Man is screaming down the trail because a very aggressive horse fly is out to get him.  At this point, I ask him if he would rather drive to the top of the mountain. Yes. We both quickly turned around and walked briskly back to car and happily drove up the mountain to hike the last .2 miles. 

Note the happy look on Little Man's face when there are no bugs chasing him down the trail.  And the best part is, I don't even feel bad for cheating on the trail.  Especially after I saw the group we passed on the way back to the car and the welts they had accrued on their hike up the mountain.  Maybe we should have warned them as we briskly sped past them to the car?

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