Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Coolest Kid Ever

I know I am a bit partial, but today I determined that I have one of the coolest kids.  While most kids won't eat vegetables, mine got up from his nap at lightning speed when I told him that he if he went out to the garden with me to grab some beets for dinner, I would also pick some kale to make kale chips with him.  While out there he became extremely excited about the first cucumber and cherry tomato that was picked for the season. Once we had picked everything we needed from the garden we came inside to make kale chips and prep the other vegetables for dinner. Since Little Man had been promised a popsicle when he woke up from nap, he sat in the kitchen snacking on a popsicle, kale chips and cucumber slices.  No other kid I know would have done that; like I said, coolest kid ever. 

 In addition to this, Little Man and I got up early and went on a hike this morning.  His first big hike.  It was a 1.2 mile climb from the Smugglers Notch parking lot to the pond at the top.  He cruised up the mountain, climbing over the occasional rock here and there, with only two minor stops for water.  He was the youngest person on the trail, and the thing that kept him going on the way back down the mountain was all the complements he received from people we passed about how they did not think their child would be able to do the hike, or the if "he can make it, you can" comments passing from dads to their teenage daughters.  He was very proud of himself by the time we reached the parking lot. 
Picture of the coolest kid ever!

1 comment:

  1. Though I wish you still lived in VA, I so see why VT is where you need to be. After all, could you really have done all that here in NOVA? Sounds wonderful!
