Monday, July 30, 2012

Running Update

I will admit, I have had a few lazy days this summer where I was not doing the mileage I had hoped to be doing (I would rather 4 miles be my small runs than 3 or even 2 on somedays) but I have been fairly consistent about actually running this summer and not slacking off like I would like to do some days.  I have gotten all the planned long runs leading up to my October half marathon in and done some pretty significant trail running.  In August I am planning on doing The Race to The Top of Vermont which I am both nervous and very excited about.  The route I will be running is 4.3 miles from where I am standing to the top of the mountain in the picture. 
 I have done quite a few hill runs this summer, and some of them up the road/trails on the other side of same mountain, however, check out the elevation gain on this side of the mountain.  This first stretch (pictured below) is thankfully the only paved part, howeve,r I am pretty sure the road never really flattens out at any point during the run.  There are a few points at which the grade comes down a bit to give your legs a little break, but at no point do you really stop climbing.  Thankfully, I was running with a friend this first time, because I would have backed out the minute I started up the road.  It took a good hour to reach the top and the minute I was done, I was glad I had done it for two reasons: 1. The feeling of accomplishment was amazing 2. There were several points near the top at which I thought I was almost there, just to come around the corner and see another steep climb ahead of me, had my first run been on race day it would have been bad.  I will run it one more time before the end of the month and while I would love to be in better shape then I am, had you told me I would be able to make a run like this a year ago, I would have laughed at you. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Trying to Kill Mommy

Most days I try to encourage an adventurous spirit in Little Man, however, some days I think maybe I should have stayed home and let Little Man and Daddy go on their own because the chance of heart attack increases significantly.  Today was one of those days.  Check out the cliff Little Man is Climbing down (and back up when we were finished).  Daddy went lets go, Little Man went OK, and down they went. 

 I will admit, while I think my heart jumped a thousand beats while they were climbing up and down, the spot that they were trying to get to was really cool.  It was a small gorge where the ice and water has shaped the rocks into some very cool shapes.  So worth it yes, but I do believe the boys in the family are trying to give me a heart attack. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Coolest Kid Ever

I know I am a bit partial, but today I determined that I have one of the coolest kids.  While most kids won't eat vegetables, mine got up from his nap at lightning speed when I told him that he if he went out to the garden with me to grab some beets for dinner, I would also pick some kale to make kale chips with him.  While out there he became extremely excited about the first cucumber and cherry tomato that was picked for the season. Once we had picked everything we needed from the garden we came inside to make kale chips and prep the other vegetables for dinner. Since Little Man had been promised a popsicle when he woke up from nap, he sat in the kitchen snacking on a popsicle, kale chips and cucumber slices.  No other kid I know would have done that; like I said, coolest kid ever. 

 In addition to this, Little Man and I got up early and went on a hike this morning.  His first big hike.  It was a 1.2 mile climb from the Smugglers Notch parking lot to the pond at the top.  He cruised up the mountain, climbing over the occasional rock here and there, with only two minor stops for water.  He was the youngest person on the trail, and the thing that kept him going on the way back down the mountain was all the complements he received from people we passed about how they did not think their child would be able to do the hike, or the if "he can make it, you can" comments passing from dads to their teenage daughters.  He was very proud of himself by the time we reached the parking lot. 
Picture of the coolest kid ever!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Complete and Utter Defeat

Given Little Man's new and utter love of hiking, I decided to continue to feed his desire to hike this past weekend.  On our way to grandpa's house, we decided to stop off in Groton and hike Owl's Head.  Let me preface this with, there are two ways to hike up the mountain; you can take the easy kid-appropriate 1.7 mile hike to the top, totally doable by the Little Man, or drive up the mountain and hike the last .2 of the trail.  Either way the view at the top is great, though somewhat nerve wracking for the mom of a four year old every time he goes within ten feet of the edge ("you must hold mommy's hand at all times at the top of the mountain").

Little Man and I decided to take the longer route to the top and start from the bottom.  We set out with our first dose of bug spray on before we left the car and off we set.  Ten minutes in and three black flies removed from the corner of little mans eye, I was applying a second dose of bug spray and wishing I had something stronger then the kids stuff.  Five minutes later Little Man is screaming down the trail because a very aggressive horse fly is out to get him.  At this point, I ask him if he would rather drive to the top of the mountain. Yes. We both quickly turned around and walked briskly back to car and happily drove up the mountain to hike the last .2 miles. 

Note the happy look on Little Man's face when there are no bugs chasing him down the trail.  And the best part is, I don't even feel bad for cheating on the trail.  Especially after I saw the group we passed on the way back to the car and the welts they had accrued on their hike up the mountain.  Maybe we should have warned them as we briskly sped past them to the car?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Quirky Plants

I love plants that make me smile; the quirkier the better.  The two I currently have in my garden are bee balm and garlic scape's.  Both  have their own personality completely set apart from the norm.  I am looking for more quirky plant ideas if anyone has any suggestions.  Unfortunately, I had to take out my blessed thistle this year because of the stinging nettle that had surrounded it.  I am hoping to replace it next year, so any other suggestions would be great. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012


If you read my earlier strawberry blog, you will remember that I was very excited about the strawberry pots I received for Mother's Day this year.  However, I have discovered one problem.  The infestation of chipmunks have decided that they are by no means going to allow me one measley strawberry from my wonderful pots.  Note the almost ripe strawberry below.  By tomorrow, before it every has a chance of becoming a wonderfully ripe strawberry, it too will be gone. 
My response to these horrible vermin who are eating my plants - did I mention that they dug up all of my sunflowers the second they sprouted this year?  Anyway, my response, there is a wonderful Hav-A-Hart trap strategically located by my strawberry pots.  All chipmunks will  be residing someplace far, far away by the end of the week, every last one of you. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Test of Patience

I think I finally get why my dad used to do his projects when I was not in the house.  As a parent, you want to include your child in as much as you can and teach them them all that there is. Of course you can paint with me, Little Man. 
 Then all of a sudden it hits you why daddy has moved himself across the garage and firmly stated that he will be the only one paining his Adirondack chair.  Note the zen-like state of said father.  You, on the other hand, are trying to keep the little person painting with you from getting paint on everything (including you) and quickly following behind him touching up his painting job. 
 When he finally gets bored with painting and says he wants to skateboard, you try to refrain from showing too much excitement with his new choice activity.  Do anything you want Little Man, just drop the paint brush. 
 First coat finished and everyone has survived the whole ordeal.  I think I will put the second coat on at midnight when there is no chance of anyone asking to help. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Please Explain

Can someone please tell me what this thing is and what you are actually supposed to do with it?  I have seen it at several different playgrounds and Andy and I have not been able to figure the stupid thing out. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Poor Thing Never Stood a Chance

What happens when you get an overzealous 4 year old weeding the garden?  The good stuff gets pulled as well.  Thankfully there are a few other cucumber plants in my garden.