Friday, March 23, 2012

Make Way for Ducklings......

We have recently added three new animals to our family that Levi has lovingly named Quack, Mack and Jack (Yes, my child has read Make Way for Ducklings too many times).
The original plan was that there would be six ducklings in the brooder today, however, as we learned with the chickens, buying any type of poultry can be a bit unpredictable.  When we went on Saturday to inquire about purchasing ducks, we were told that they arrive on Wednesdays and Thursdays and that you must buy at least six.  We then set up the brooder and waited, on Wednesday and Thursday I called before going and found out that the ducks had not yet arrived, and were expected the next day.  Today (Friday) when I called at noon, I was told that there were 17 ducks left.  By the time Little Man and I got there, three little ducklings were left.  Of course, there was no way that I was leaving Tractor Supply without those ducks; once Little Man laid eyes on them, they were his and he was not leaving without them.  I am pretty sure they had names before the nice lady had put them in the box to take home.  Now we are left with the decision of trying again next week and chancing the possibility of being the proud owners of nine ducklings or just sticking with the three we have. 

In addition to the trial and error of purchasing our ducks, we have quickly learned that these little guys are very cute, but also very loud.  This guy in my hand being the loudest of them all and a bit of a bully.  He tells everyone where to go and then the others follow.  I can already tell they are going to be a lot easier to herd than the chicks, I think I have finally found my gardening partners; ducks love slugs and I have plenty to go around.  It is going to be a good summer. Now if we can just figure out how many we are willing to have.
Little Man loves his ducks!

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