Sunday, March 4, 2012


On January 23rd, I posted a blog about making our own laundry detergent; this weekend we ran out and I needed to make more.  Since I have left-over materials from the last batch (see picture below), all I needed to do was make it.  The whole process took me all of 10 minutes; less than the time it would have taken me to drive to the store and buy some, and we are back in business. 
The only thing I may do differently when I run out of the current soap is to buy a scented brand next time.  I bought an unscented brand and miss that laundry fresh smell that you get when things emerge from the dryer. Therefore, after I use the last bar, I may invest in a scented soap. Other than that, my clothes are clean and we have managed to survive a few wet beds and a bed bug scare at pre-school (they brought the bed bug dogs into pre-school and confirmed that the bed-bugs never made it there, this was after we thoroughly washed every thing that Little Man had ever brought to pre-school).

Activity: 4 mile run today forllowed by ice skating with Little Man

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