Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Autumn (Our Pet Bunny)

It has been a long time since I last posted something about Autumn; partly because it is really hard to get a good picture of her.  When she is out of her cage, she is a very happy bunny and jumps all over the house not standing still long enough for me to take a picture of her. This week I was finally able to corner her under the table and managed to take a halfway decent picture of her.  As you can see she is a well fed and spoiled rabbit.  Not only does she receive fresh hay every day, her cage now has a penthouse level, where she can sit and watch the cars go by during the day when no one is home (rabbits chew on cords, so she is not alowed to roam freely during the day).

In addition to her being spoiled rotten, Andy has recently found a more cost effective litter for her cage.  At the bottom of her cage there is a tray that in the past has held store bought newspaper pellets, that need to be cleaned out every 5 days.  We recently realized that shredded paper works just as well and cost us nothing.  In addition to this, it gets thrown into the compost pile when we are done with it. 
As you can see, bunny is happy and spoiled and we are happy now that we have figured out how to cut our pet costs a little, which is good because we are adding ducks to out happy little home this summer and will have yet another animal to pay for. 

Activity: 3.5 miles on the treadmill: I would have prefered to run outside but we had a million errands to run and by the time we got home it was dinner time.  

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