Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another Bird House

There is a marsh behind our house, where not a whole lot of trees grow, birds live and is not exactly pleasing to the eye.  My solution to this problem is to slowly add splashes of color to the swamp by adding bird houses.  This year our second birdhouse was added to the swamp.  The plan was to have Little Man do it all on his own this year using one of those little Lowes children's kits that, with one of us there to read the directions, he would be able to do on his own.  That was the plan............
Doesn't he look like such a little hard worker?  I should mention that mommy spent 45 minutes trying to get the roof on the stupid thing.  The holes in the pre-cut top did not match up with the holes in the rest of the birdhouse. The wood had to be sanded down until they matched up and then the holes that the screws were supposed to go in did not match up.  So much for Little Man doing this himself. In the end it was put together, painted purple with yellow polka-dots (don't ask) and hung in one of the only trees that is growing in the swamp. 

Activity (confession):  I procrastinated big time in signing up for my March race.  In my mind I had until Thursday to sign up for the stupid thing.  When I went online to register today, in bold red letters there was a note that kindly read RACE FULL.  Two other two races I could find fall on the day we are doing Little Man's birthday party and the day my dad is having a cook out for my step-mothers birthday.  Looks like I may only be able to run in race for 11 months out of the year.  Lesson learned, I will be signing up for my April race this week. 
Aside from that, I had a wonderful run down a muddy dirt road with a friend this morning and since I am not racing next weekend, we are going to do it again next week.  I'll probably run further anyway, we ran 6.25 miles this afternoon.

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