Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Blues

This year started out great! I got up on New Years Day and ran a 5k with a faster time than I have been running all year.  It was wonderful! The following day, Little Man and I went skating in the morning and sledding in the afternoon with friends.  2012 was off to a great start.  Fast forward to this past week, when I struggled to get my butt moving and running 1-3 miles 4 times during the week.  Now there you have it, that is why I need some accountability.  There is still time--with your help of course to get my lazy butt back on track, and until recently this year has not been a total loss.  Up to this point in January we have.......

  Gone sledding twice with friends. Even on the day it was 3.7 degrees!
 Taken Little Man to try out his down hill skis once. 
Gone ice skating 3 times.  Look little man no longer needs crates, although he does use them occasionally because he knows he can move significantly faster with them.
With a great view like this at one of our favorite winter spots I should have no problem right?  After today I'll post what I have actually done during the week, and if you see me sliding, give me a call---tell me to get moving or even better invite me for a an evening snowshoe. 

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