Sunday, January 29, 2012


     While I have been incredibly bummed out this winter due to the lack of snow, I did not hesitate to take advantage of a beautiful spring day (in January) this weekend.  Little Man and I spent the morning checking out all the animal tracks running through our yard (deer, birds, rabbit, squirrel) and then headed off to the park.  Thankfully, I put his snow pants on for the trip, because as soon as we got there, Little Man noticed this little puddle, which I was able to steer him clear of.  However, a little later while I was standing and talking to another mom, Little Man decided that I was distracted enough to pull off a full sprint right into the lake sized puddle on the other side of the playground.  Little Man was determined to go for a swim and outwit his mother. I saw the moment of hesitation from across the playground and was just far enough that there was no way I could get there on time. He was incredibly proud of himself for pulling it off, although once he knew he had been spotted, turned around and sat by the massive puddle and looked at me with that "what's the matter with you, nothing going on here" look.  Not long after that I was carrying his happy wet butt off the playground to be stripped down in the car.  Thankfully the warm spring like weather kept him from getting too cold and we were both thankful for the hour we spent at the playground soaking up the little sun we have had this winter.  So happy in fact that we went to the playground a bit today, thankfully the puddles had frozen back over. 

Mileage for the past week: A little over 18 miles, not where I wanted to be at this point in the year, but much better then last week. 

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