Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Vermont Farm Show

Farm show? Hey, why not, we do appear to be on the verge of being a small family farm and they say you can sample local Vermont products. It's free, even better. 

If you have not been following my blog from the beginning, I should probably tell you, that since we discovered the coop behind our house and purchased chickens, our home has been slowly turning into a small family farm (she's turning it into a zoo! -NorthernDaddy) ; it is probably good we don't have more land, because we would be in trouble.  Up to this point, we have chickens, 1 rabbit(a pet) and will be purchasing ducks and possibly meat rabbits in the spring.  Going to a farm show makes a lot of sense.

While we were at the show, not only did we get the information we needed for the things we already have or are going to have, we were able to sample some wonderful new products.  We found out about a new ice cream place between here and grandma's house.  My friend Sarah recently pointed out a disturbing trend; that all of our major vacation stories seem to revolve around us finding another ice cream place.  We discovered a place in Vermont that sells Emu burger and - yes - bought some before we left. (Note to all of our Virginian friends; there is a place in Prince William County that we first discovered the stuff and it is wonderful!) Most importantly, I finally was able to sample Ice Cider and man is it good.  In fact Andy and I sampled it from two different vendors.  Sorry Little Man, you're just going to have to wait until you are 21.  There were other good products, but these were by far the best and the greatest new discoveries. 

I would highly recommend attending a farm show if you ever get the chance.  It will be worth the trip, I promise, and if you live in Vermont, the one here is open for one more day. Go check it out.

A friend just asked how the laundry detergent works, we have only done one load since we made it, but it appears to be working fine.  No complaints yet.  The Simple Dollar guy did a test with mustard and white shirts and the results were in favor of using the homemade stuff, so we'll see.

Run for the day: 3.1 on the hamster track...... I have already totaled more the for this week than I did last week.  

1 comment:

  1. Here's an incentive for you: if you don't run, an old grandma may log more miles than you....and you don't want to have to admit to that, do you???
