Sunday, May 23, 2010

Toddler Exploration

I recently read a post by Inadvertent Farmer, talking about getting children outside and enjoying the dirt and sun. I love it and agree with it wholeheartedly. Here are some of our explorations from the past week (I'll admit there was some trauma involved in some of these.

Sadly these are not our chickens (still waiting), but thankfully Shelburne Farms has several chickens for toddlers to chase around the farm yard.
A newt from the pond we were fishing in. Of course anything slimy we are promptly told to put back into the water. This coming from the child who will not touch worms but will pick up a centipede and hand it to me. Our favorite past time.
Not slimy, we are good.

Traumatizing the toddler. Yes the frog jumped onto his back. He screamed and the poor traumatized frog jumped back into the ditch at which point we were promptly told it was time to go.

Little man's idea of gardening.

My son contemplating if he should follow grandma's instructions and show me how he waters the plants (this is a full watering can).

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