Friday, May 28, 2010

Official Bottom Cleaner

OK, so before I go any further, there are two things that you should know about me: I am neurotic and I do play favorites. Now that that is out of the way, let's move on.

Prior to the chicks' arrival, I read several blogs, books and attended one night classes to gain as much knowledge as I could about raising chickens. During the process, I found out that during the first two weeks of a chickens life, you need to occasionally clean their bottoms of otherwise the poop chute will become clogged and the chicken will not make it.

That said, the first thing I asked Andy when we woke up this morning was "Should I go down and clean their little bottoms?" At which he told me I was crazy and it could wait until I got home from work.

Of course, when I arrived down stairs to my happy ladies I noticed my favorite chick had a dirty butt. There is no way I am going to let my favorite not make it though the day. So I set out to cleaning chick bottoms. I can now safely say, the chicks made it though the day happily unclogged.

My Favorite Chick

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