Sunday, May 16, 2010

For anyone who read Friday's blog post, I have not given up hope yet. Other than Friday's chick mishap, it turned out to be a pretty good weekend. My garden consultation happened on Saturday, Andy and I managed to get a lot of gardening done, and little man went fishing for the first time.

For starters, the consultation was overwhelming, liberating and somewhat encouraging. Honestly, my biggest fear was that someone would come in and tell me that there was no hope at all and that I need to mow it all down. I am not going to say that there are not parts that didn't need to be mowed down. I have an insane Bishop's Weed problem and would strongly advise anyone against using it as a ground cover EVER. There were a few parts that needed to be mowed down, one of them turning out to be the perfect place for raised beds, since our current spot is not ideal on the sunlight side, however, it would be the perfect plot for berry bushes. Score one for us!

In the end I had a list of things to do and we were ready to go. Andy slightly sadistically mowed down the part that needed to go. And I spent some time weeding out invasive stuff from the main garden. We still have a long list of things to do, but I feel like we at least made a dent in the garden.

The part that needed to be mowed down.

After Andy got his hands on it (we have to keep a tarp over it this year to kill the Bishop's Weed).

Little Man's new playground!

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