Friday, May 14, 2010

Is Mother Nature Trying to Ruin My Spring?

This spring started out wonderfully. We had warm weather early on and the sun was shining. Now, I grew up in Northern New England: I am very much aware of the fact that snow can come late in the spring. But the warmth was so nice........ and I have to admit I became hopeful.

Then came April break. It started out wonderfully; mulching the gardens, getting our garden ready, starting to acclimate the seedlings to the great outdoors, etc. Then Tuesday dropped 2 feet of wet snow on top of us. Granted it was gone in three days, but it sent me into a mild depression.

I was determined not to let it ruin what was going to be a good spring. So I hopefully started watching my cherry tree, who apparently also had gotten excited about the warmer weather and cheered up a little bit. I love my cherry tree, it is beautiful in the spring. For those of you who have gone into DC when the cherry blossoms are in bloom you understand. And then yes, the first week of May, we receive an inch of snow. It was gone overnight, but it was enough to make my wonderful cherry blossoms turn a slight brownish color.

I prevailed still, determined to enjoy my spring, I had more wonderful things to look forward to. Back in November our cross-country ski team held a silent auction and I won a garden consult. For those of you who don't know, the house we moved into a little under two years ago had a severely overgrown but wonderful perennial garden. I have been looking forward to the consultation all winter, and so has the person I run with, because she is thinking about doing the same thing herself. So last Saturday what happens? It pours all day and the consult was canceled. Granted, it was rescheduled for tomorrow, but I am not letting myself get excited about anything at this point.

And that brings us to today. When I dropped little man off this morning,I reminded him we were going to go and pick up our chicks this afternoon (one more thing we have been looking forward to all winter)(One thing that only two of you have been looking forward to - #%^! chickens! -AC). While I know the lady on the phone said to call before we come (and they left a message at our house this morning), I forgot to call after I picked up little man. We drive into the garden place, watch all the other moms and their children excitedly carrying their chicks out, grab our box and head inside where there are bins of the cute fluffy chicks waiting to be picked up (all of which little man is asking to hold). I walk proudly up to the table and when the man looks at our order, he very nicely lets me know that the breed we ordered did not get delivered today. They did not hatch on time and the ones that did hatch were roosters. I don't know who was more depressed leaving the store, me or little man. As I carried the not-so-happy toddler out of the store, he kept sternly telling me "chicken in there" and pointing to the box and proceeded to tell me this all the way home. I assured him all the way home that we will have chicks, just not today because they are still in the egg.

Should Mother Nature decide to send rain on my garden consultation tomorrow, I'll see you in the summer because I'll be giving up on spring!

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