Saturday, December 5, 2015

Philadelphia Marathon

This year I decided it was time to run another marathon.  Apparently enough time had lapsed that I had forgotten how much the last one hurt.  However, being in better shape this time, I decided it was time.  

My first error in this process was that I picked an elite runners marathon plan.  She warned me ahead of time that it was going to be hard, but at the time I felt as though I was up for the challenge.  I was not, and had to adjust the plan several times along the way.  Meanwhile all of my other runner friends kept telling me I was crazy for even attempting the plan and was going to hurt myself.  They were right.  On the last long run I did something to my hip. 

Thankfully Philadelphia is one of those marathons that you can decide you are only going to run the half marathon during the race.  It is a really easy decision to make also; turn right towards the finish or left for 13.1 more miles of torture. So, I thought what the heck; I will start with the plan to run the full, and if I am in pain, when it get to the midway point bail out and run the half.  It was the most expensive half marathon I have run, but hey I got to run through the streets of Philadelphia for 13.1 miles.  
Also while uphills still hurt a bit, I saved my hip enough to run a flat Turkey Trot with my husband four days after Philadelphia.  Too bad there are only hills around my house.  The treadmill has become my saving grace.

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