Saturday, August 1, 2015

Weekend Away

Now that all the crazy races are over; Little Man and I were able to get away for a relaxing weekend with some amazing friends.  I should note that my friend has somehow managed to suck us into her Junior Park Ranger obsession through the National Parks.  No joke, when we got home we had to go purchase a binder for our books and a cork board for Little Man's new badges when we got home because that is what his friends have.

The first day of our trip we headed to the Salem Maritime NHS.  It was free because the movie was broken which made the whole experience even better. The boys had their Jr. Park Ranger books in hand, the day was beautiful, and my child actually went up to the park ranger to asked her a few questions, so that he could work on his book (my child does not even talk to people he knows in public places)! 
Once the boys had their Jr. Park Ranger badges in hand, we tortured the boys with a trip down memory lane with us.  They were not 100% thrilled with this, but the seafood at the end made it all worth it.  My son even at his first batch of fried clams and loved them.
The following day we took a break from the National Parks, so my friend could them introduce my son to the Massachusetts State Parks passport.  Because he needs yet another book to stamp. Andy thinks we might need and intervention.  

Our first State Park; Purgatory.  Yep, I took my kid to Purgatory.  It was this awesome chasm that the boys were able to hike/climb through.  Every little boys dream.  It was a lot of fun, and we finished it off with ice cream.
The last full day of our trip we headed out to the Boston Harbor Islands NRA to bag another Jr. Park Ranger badge.  This one was awesome! We only made it to Georges Island rather then island hop like we had planned. About halfway around the fort we discovered a series of dark tunnels.  Think every ghost hunter show you have every watched, and you've got the idea.  Armed with our cell phone flashlights, we were off to explore the maze of tunnels, popping out in a different place each time. It was so much fun and a little spooky at the same time. By the time we were done, it was time to head back to Boston.  
 Once we arrived back in Boston Little Man discovered his favorite ducks in Boston Commons, and we even let him ride on the swan boats.  That sealed the deal, and he is already talking about out next trip back to Boston.  

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