Thursday, August 6, 2015

Junior Park Ranger

My child is obsessed! I ended up shifting my plans on the way home from camping because he really wanted to visit another National Park and get another Junior Park Ranger badge.  I decided that we would visit the only one in New Hampshire and the only one in Vermont on the way home.  They are close together and only a little out of the way.  The two little girls we saw with vests full of badges were not helping either (he has decided that he is way behind and needs to pick up the pace a little).  
The first one we visited was Saint-Gaudens NHS.  For a little history Saint-Gaudens created several famous sculptures and helped shaped the way our coins look today.  While it was beautiful, Little Man was not totally impressed, but happy with his new badge.
The second one we went to was Marsh-Billings Rockerfeller NHP.  Think big house, beautiful gardens and tree conservation.  Once again, Little Man was not impressed.  He has already spent countless hours with me hiking and pointing out trees.  I on the other hand thought the gardens surrounding the mansion were beautiful. 
 Little Man has decided that he needs to visit one park a month.  That is going to be hard since there are only three within 250 miles of our house, and he just visited two of them. 

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