Monday, August 24, 2015

August Service Project!

So the check list thing may be a problem in need of an intervention......However, this one is one we have done for the past three summers.  Vermont State Parks has a Venture Vermont program in which you need to complete a certain number of tasks, take a picture, and then mail them, in order to receive a free park pass for the following year.  When you consider all the things you can do in a state park around here, it is a pretty awesome deal.  Much of our swimming and hiking for the year has been covered by our pass.  

One of the tasks we needed to complete was a service project in a park.  We spent some time in one of our favorite parks shoveling and moving mulch to muddy spots on the trail.  Little Man thought it was great, right up until I told him that his grandmother found copperheads in a mulch pile one time.

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