Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Vermont Wine

I determined that one of my tasks for 2015 would be to complete a Vermont Winery Passport.  Visit at least 10 Vermont Vineyards to be entered in a drawing at the end of the year for a night in a Bed and Breakfast. Honestly, it just gives me an excuse to drink wine all summer. 
 I figured Mother's Day weekend would be the perfect time to begin my wine tasting journey; with my mom of course.  First stop: Fresh Tracks Farm in Berlin, Vermont.  A beautiful barn, with a lovely patio that invites you to stay and enjoy.
 Of course we did just that!
 I even brought home a bottle of maple wine.  Only in Vermont can you find a maple dessert wine. I have to say it is pretty good.
We also visited a second vineyard the next day in Montpelier, Vermont on Sunday.  It did not scream, sit and stay a while.  In fact, quite the opposite.  The tasting room was in the basement of a persons house. A very tinny room with a wine rack, lacking much wine.  A small table, no chairs.  No frills, not even a parking area-just a driveway.  Honestly we almost did not go in. I had to rationalize that it was a second stamp for my book and an adventure.  Oh well, there are many more vineyards to explore. Hopefully the rest will be more like Fresh Tracks. 

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