Saturday, May 16, 2015

Knot-weed Chuttney

There is a plant in Vermont called knot-weed.  The stuff is incredibly hard to get rid of and horribly invasive.  It is not native to Vermont and there is a whole campaign to get rid of the stuff.  We, unfortunately, have a small patch that just does not want to die.  Little Man is actually encouraged to hack at this particular plant.

Last year one of our local farmers was selling knot-weed chutney at the farmers market.  She was always sold out of the stuff by the time I got there.  I wanted to try it and see if it might be a way to get rid of the stuff.    I decided it needed to go on my list of things to do this year. 

Today Little Man was given the task to hack out 5 pieces for me.  I found a recipe online and off I headed to the kitchen.  A small batch was made just in case it was horrible.  It actually did not come out all that bad.  However, neither male in the household will try the stuff because it is a weed from the back yard.  They keep mentioning something about the "dandelion fritters" I made them try one year....  

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