Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sleepy Hollow: One Task Down 35 To Go!

I am starting the year out strong! I have successfully completed one of my Bucket List Tasks for the year.  Go cross-country skiing at Sleepy Hollow Inn, in Huntington Vermont.  This one has been a goal since I started coaching with one of the families who lives/works/runs it almost 9 years ago when moved to Vermont.  Every year I think; this year I am going to go skiing at Sleepy Hollow.  The winter comes, the winter goes and I never make it. 
This year I had absolutly no excuse.  I won two passes at First Run this year, and they have a section they are making snow on for times when the snow is not great(the orange line on the map bellow).  I also have two friends who also wanted to go. 
So on this blistery 14 degree day, we headed out to Sleepy Hollow.  The loop we did was nice, with just the right amount of up and down.  The company was great.  And honestly the weather was not all that bad once you got moving.  Most importantly, I got to spend time with two friends I've needed to visit with for awhile.  It was a good day.  I might even go back.

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