Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lavender Soap

I am not using my editor on this one, so please excuse any errors that may follow. 
The one thing I hate about having to make a new batch of laundry detergent is having to grate a bar of soap for the recipe.  As I was enjoying a bath over break, soaking in some lovely lavender soap a friend brought me from France, I realized the large bag of soap was already grated for us.  The lazy part of my brain thought it would be amazing to use in my detergent.  The practical part of my brain thought my husband would kill me if all his clothes smelled like lavender.  It has been 3 weeks and he has not noticed yet.  Let's see if he checks the blog when he is not editing posts:) 

(The editor hasn't noticed any lavender scents lately. He also just corrected a few mistakes that he saw - but not all of them! And, your laundry recipe is out the window as far as that new HE machine that you just got....)

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