Saturday, January 31, 2015

Made To Crave-Task 5

I have a pile of books in my room that is quite high.  A pile of books I have begun, but never finished.  Some because they could not sustain my attention, some because I was not ready for the content, some because the content made for a hard scientific read that did not resemble easy evening reading. My goal for the year: finish the pile or admit defeat (Since there are actually less than 12 books in the pile, my goal is to finish a book a month-some may be new and just on my want to read list). 
This month's book was one I was not ready for the last time I picked it up.  I was not in a place of wanting to admit my own bad eating habits, nor did I really want to give them up.  While the woman was spot on with several of her points; I cast the book aside the first time and decided I was just not ready to read it.  This month picked it up, started from the begining and finished it! The book is "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.   I was ready for it this time, and have begun to make some positive choices around food because of it.  I would highly recommend it, but be ready to throw it aside if you are not in a place to make change.

One book finished and passed onto a friend.  Eleven more books to go.  

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