Saturday, January 31, 2015

Made To Crave-Task 5

I have a pile of books in my room that is quite high.  A pile of books I have begun, but never finished.  Some because they could not sustain my attention, some because I was not ready for the content, some because the content made for a hard scientific read that did not resemble easy evening reading. My goal for the year: finish the pile or admit defeat (Since there are actually less than 12 books in the pile, my goal is to finish a book a month-some may be new and just on my want to read list). 
This month's book was one I was not ready for the last time I picked it up.  I was not in a place of wanting to admit my own bad eating habits, nor did I really want to give them up.  While the woman was spot on with several of her points; I cast the book aside the first time and decided I was just not ready to read it.  This month picked it up, started from the begining and finished it! The book is "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.   I was ready for it this time, and have begun to make some positive choices around food because of it.  I would highly recommend it, but be ready to throw it aside if you are not in a place to make change.

One book finished and passed onto a friend.  Eleven more books to go.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Casey's Hill: Task 4

There is a local sledding hill that people around here rave about.  So popular that, when I mentioned we had never been while talking to a friend this past summer, I recived a very strange look.  I figured it was time to go where all the cool kids go sledding.
We had a perfect sledding day this past week, so off we went.  I think Little Man was more excited to try a new sledding spot then I was; he had every right to be. The view was great, the snow was perfect, not too many people, and the temperature perfect. The hill varied in degrees of steepness from left to right.  Even the brave 11 year old who was on the hill with us, insisted that his dad go down the steep side with him (we did not venture down that side).  I think I may leave that hill for a father-son bonding experince on a later date.  We had a great time, and I was glad for the odd look received from my friend this summer that finally got me to go check out a great sledding scene.

(Sorry for the lack of picture, blogger is being difficult.)


Friday, January 16, 2015

My Beloved: Task 3

Since this blog started as a means of becoming more sustainable; I thought I would make sure I was doing something new each month to hold true to that.  I started this blog with a vengeance in the beginning, and while I continue doing the things I started with (well, not the cloth diapering, we are well out of that stage), I have not started anything new in a while.  The only things that really make the blog anymore are the ducks and garden.  It was time to get back in a groove.  
For the month of January, I had planned on purchasing a Dunkin Doughnuts mug to cut down on the cups I throw out during the week.  However, I have a friend who has recently given up Diet Coke for the year for health reasons.  She also calculated the amount of money she spends on Diet Coke and discovered a significant financial gain as well.  Since I can afford to lose a few extra calories in my week, a few more dollars in my pocket, and less styrofoam cups being thrown out; I decided to give up Dunkin all together.  When you factor in 2-4 stops a week, the benefit far outweighs the addiction.  So from today on, I have become a Dunkin free gal. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lavender Soap

I am not using my editor on this one, so please excuse any errors that may follow. 
The one thing I hate about having to make a new batch of laundry detergent is having to grate a bar of soap for the recipe.  As I was enjoying a bath over break, soaking in some lovely lavender soap a friend brought me from France, I realized the large bag of soap was already grated for us.  The lazy part of my brain thought it would be amazing to use in my detergent.  The practical part of my brain thought my husband would kill me if all his clothes smelled like lavender.  It has been 3 weeks and he has not noticed yet.  Let's see if he checks the blog when he is not editing posts:) 

(The editor hasn't noticed any lavender scents lately. He also just corrected a few mistakes that he saw - but not all of them! And, your laundry recipe is out the window as far as that new HE machine that you just got....)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Give-Task Two

One of my goals for the year is to give material things, or time at least once a month with Little Man.  We do some of that now, but I wanted to make it more intentional this year.
Man did I have great plans for January.  Plans that Little Man probably would have hated.  Thankfully Little Man had his own plans.  His school is doing a mitten tree for the food shelf; upon picking him up on Friday he informed me that he grabbed a mitten, and we needed to pick up fruit over the weekend.  Love that Little Man.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sleepy Hollow: One Task Down 35 To Go!

I am starting the year out strong! I have successfully completed one of my Bucket List Tasks for the year.  Go cross-country skiing at Sleepy Hollow Inn, in Huntington Vermont.  This one has been a goal since I started coaching with one of the families who lives/works/runs it almost 9 years ago when moved to Vermont.  Every year I think; this year I am going to go skiing at Sleepy Hollow.  The winter comes, the winter goes and I never make it. 
This year I had absolutly no excuse.  I won two passes at First Run this year, and they have a section they are making snow on for times when the snow is not great(the orange line on the map bellow).  I also have two friends who also wanted to go. 
So on this blistery 14 degree day, we headed out to Sleepy Hollow.  The loop we did was nice, with just the right amount of up and down.  The company was great.  And honestly the weather was not all that bad once you got moving.  Most importantly, I got to spend time with two friends I've needed to visit with for awhile.  It was a good day.  I might even go back.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

To A New Year

Here's to a new year, and all the adventures it may bring.  I am planning on running in a mountain racing circuit, doing a snowshoe race, contemplating a marathon (It's been a while), and I have a friend who is trying to convince me to do a ragner with some ladies from church.  Here's to all the 2015 has in store.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Start Over

Time to take it all down and start over!
Several Trail Races at Catamount
Four 5Ks (including a glow run and Santa run)
Three 10Ks
Three Half Marathons
Two Relay Races
Two Mountain Runs