Friday, December 12, 2014


The one thing I missed when I lived outside of New England was the beautiful snow.  Not that we never had snow where I lived, but it just was not the same, it wasn't a constant, and the backdrop was not quite right.  I love it so much that I have come to realize most of my bucket list locations are about as far away from the sunshine and sandy beaches as it gets (Iceland, Alaska, Quebec City, Sweden, Patagonia and the list goes on).  Actually I do not do well with extended periods on the beach; I really don't like heat. Give me a freezing ice castle any day. 
I realized this to be particularly true most recently, when the first real hardy snow came along.  All I wanted to do was go sledding, snowshoing and for a run down a snow covered road.  Don't get me wrong, I love sitting about as close to a crackling fire as humanly possible when I am done.  Also these excursions are typically followed by hot chocolate or hot elderberry cider.  But there is just something about snow. I actually went into a small depression at the end of the week when the rain and a spike in the temperature washed away my beautiful snow. 
I mean,really,what's not to love?...
Sledding by a beautiful historic round church with the sunset in the background.
 Taking off through the woods behind our house after a freshly fallen snow.
 The conversations with a snowman.
Oh and there is so much more......

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