Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One Final Push

When I had Little Man I mananged to get myself severely behind in my scrapbooking.  This year I made it a goal to try and somewhat keep up.  Since prior to having Little Man I had started each book at our anniversary, I decided to start there.  I almost did not make it on time, but I did manage to finish scrapbooking from our 10th anniversary to our 11th---New Years Eve.  Here are some of the highlights to the year. 
We started with out first vacation away wihout Little Man to Virginia Wine Country for our 10th anniversary; it was amazing!
We did a lot of hiking!
We discovered that we could make cider from the apples on the tree in front of our house.  It was amazing! Too bad this year the late spring meant no apples, we were ready for them:(
It was an amazing running year.
 Little Man tried a lot of new activies, and really has developed his own identity - for better or worse. 
We discovered some really cool new places like the skate trail on Lake Morey. 
 There were bonfires all year round.
We did A Lot of snowshoeing.
 I truly fell in love with mountain running.
We discovered Ottowa and fell in love
 We visited a lot of vinyards!
 Little Man learned how to ride a bike.

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