Sunday, December 7, 2014

Laughing Moon

Little Man has gotten to the point where I ask him which holiday activities he would like to participate in each year.  One of his favorites happens to be making candy canes at Laughing Moon Chocolates in Stowe.  So every year, we treck to Stowe to pile into a crowded chocolate shop to watch Little Man make a candy cane.  Except, this year, it was not crowded.  The roads getting there were a little snow covered, and the shop had several cancelations for the day.  Not only was it not crowded, but we actually knew some of the other people making candy canes with us.  In fact, Levi knew half of the other kids on the bench with him, and they were having a great time.  It made braving the snow covered road worth it. 
 Due to the lack of people in the shop, there was not a long line of children waiting which gave the parents the opportunity to participate in a friendly compitition of shape the candy cane.  I'll admit, I had help from the candy cane lady, and mine was the best. 
 Our family candy canes.

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