Wednesday, December 31, 2014

35 Task Report Card

24 out of 35 is not bad.  In fact, I did manage to get a lot done and had fun along the way; I think I just might do 36 for 2015.  So what were the 11 that did not get finished this year?
Blight Free Tomatoes (nature won again):
    There was a time in which I was able to grow wonderful tomatoes.  Our first apartment  had wonderful tomato plants on the deck that created a nice oasis for us.  Our second apartment; we participated in a local community garden for two years and had more tomatoes than we knew what to do with.  And then we moved to our house.  Every year I have fought blight.  I have tried three different garden beds, fertilizer and even pots.  Every year the blight comes back.  I am no longer growing beautiful tomatoes.
     As a result of the above dilemma, I decided to wage war on the blight this year.  I planted the tomatos in three different locations, bought an organic solution to spray on the plants, put plastic at the base to keep the mud from splashing on the plant, and planted banana peels at the base.  You name it, I did it. Yet, while we did have a much better tomato crop this year; the blight still came.  I lost the war.

2 Hill Workouts a Month (I lost this battle in January):
My intentions were so good with this one.  I had two mountain races scheduled for late spring and summer and I was going to do two significant hill workouts a month.  Not one of those 100 yard hills at race pace, but a hill/climb conisisting of a mile or less.  I had a million excuses in January, the ice, the cold, and the list goes on.  While I did get some great workouts in as the weather warmed up, I bailed on the winter months.  I am thinking about doing the racing circut below this summer (maybe that will motivate me). 

Summiting Mt. Mansfield (although several times I was close to the summit):
 The fact that I did not achive this one is actually quiet comical, given the number of times I was on this mountain and near the top.  Many of my training runs went right up the side of this mountain, in fact I ran a race up the mountain to a parking lot a quarter of a mile from the summit. Little Man and I spent the night in a hut a half mile from the summit.  Yet I never actually made it to the top of this mountain. Maybe next year. 

Separating Flowers:
 This really needs to be done still, however, most of my flowers are supposed to be separated in the fall.  Cross-country season is in the fall.  So for now my flowers will go on crowding each other.  I just really need a gardener for the month of September.  I can take care of the rest. 

1 Blog a Week:
 I realized that while I love cross-country season, my life really is not all that interesting during cross-country season.  Those who are not runners probably do not want to hear about coaching runners. 
Professional Development:
 I had two college classes that I was going to take in order to reach this goal canceled.  One in the spring and one in the summer.  I am currently enrolled and taking a class that should get me to where I want to be.  It just took a bit longer then expected. 
 We learned some great lessons on this one. 1. When it is too cold, the ducklings will not make it and if you can get them inside to a brooder then their chance of survival goes up significantly.  2. Too many male ducks is a bad thing and can hamper the addition of baby ducks (there are now three males in the freezer).
Soap Making
    I actually tried pretty hard at this one.  To start off with, I looked up a milk soap recipe, not realizing it was from the UK.  When I could not find one of the ingrediants, we found an expensive substitute here in the US.  However, when I went to make it we were missing a key ingredient half way through the process, so I had to abandon all attempts.  Next I found a soap making kit at a craft store.  When we got home I opened it up just to find out it was not really a soap making kit.  Just a melt the soap down and mold it kit.  We did mold the soap and gave it away as gifts, but had yet to make any soap of our own.  Then I found out that there was a woman at the farmers market who teaches people how to make milk soap. When I talked to her, she gave me her card and told me to contact her late in the fall when Farmers Market Season was over.  I did just that, she told me we could do a class in November and then never contacted me again.  At that point it was a busy Christmas season so I abandoned the project all together. 

Lose the Last 15 pounds
    I lost 8 over the course of the year.  I have found the last few pounds seem to be the hardest to lose. Partly because people tell you how good you look, and you think, I am good, why do I need to keep losing?  I have 7 pounds to go, here's to 2015. 

Sub 8 Minute 5k
   While I came really close, I was never able to slide under the mark.  I almost had it in September, but my last mile squeaked over the 8 minute mark leaving me a bit short on my goal this year.  I did drop from the 27 minute range into the 24 minute range, so I guess I'll take what I can get. 

Oli Change
   I kinda forgot about this one until it got cold and then really did not want to go out with my amazing husband to change the oil when the temperatures were in the teens.  What can I say? I am a wimp. 

I have a lot of fun goals for 2015, stay tuned!

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