Monday, July 21, 2014

Poorhouse Pies

I am currently training for two races that involve some pretty major hill climbs, and as a result I spend Sunday mornings before church running up the side of a mountain.  This week I managed to pull two other friends along with me; one of them slightly food obsessed. 
As we are making our way back down the mountain, she informs us about a place on our way home selling specialty doughnuts on Sunday mornings at 8:00am.  Realizing that we have just burned off all those calories running up the side of a mountain, the most logical thing for us is of course to stop at this wonderful establishment at the base of the mountain.  Not that we could have missed it due to the line of people standing out waiting to buy doughnuts.  I picked up maple bacon doughnuts for the boys, and coconut cream one for me; arriving at church with a slight sugar buzz. 

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