Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Little Man and Art

Little Man has an interesting relationship with art.  At home I see him rush through things, and not put a whole lot of effort into the things he makes.  However, when mom and dad are not present people actually tell us that he is a good artist and we need to foster it.  So, despite my own lack of artistic ability, we foster his interest, and love of art where we can. 
On New Years Eve we went into the pottery studios while we were waiting for a performance.  Little Man was fascinated by the wheel turning, and as a result we attended two of the family drop ins over the course of the year.  During this time, it was determined that Little Man would do a wheel turning camp during the summer while mommy was at work.  After a week of soccer camp, it was determined that he liked the drop in nights, but not a whole week of camp.  He had fun and made some cool stuff, but the love affair with pottery ended there. 
Two weeks ago we attended a Celebrate The Arts Festival in Waterbury.  There were several different artist demonstrating their various arts, but Little Man's favorite was the henna artist.  Despite some protest from daddy, we let him get a small tattoo on his hand which he wore proudly for a little over a week before it faded away.

 Of course what would any event in Waterbury be without Ben and Jerry's ice cream!
 While there does seem to be a small amount of interest in Little Man, ultimately, he just wants to explore and be left alone with the bugs and critters that crawl by. 

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