Friday, July 25, 2014

Local Library

Our local library is amazing.  They have wonderful free programs all summer that we have been able to take advantage of.  There is a science theme this summer, and we have been able to attend everything from music programs, a "science" magician, plays and several other programs as the summer has progressed.  Here is just s snippet of the things we have been able to do at the library (at least the things I have taken pictures of). 
Little man attended a soap carving workshop that was put on the "Birds of Vermont" museum.  He made a cardinal for my aunt, however, it never actually made it to her because the tail fell off.  As part of it he was able to bring home his carving tool, and proceeded to carve every bar of soap we own. I woke up the next morning (he woke up at 5:00am to carve) to soap shavings everywhere.  While I love his enthusiasm, we had to limit the carving a little. 
 In addition to the workshops there have been several performances.  There was a pretty cool science magician and Little Man came home wanting to make things explode, or fizz. Also The Very Merry Theater performance of the Lone Ranger, The Swing Peepers (they were amazing) came to sing, and a weather man came to talk (he was not very good, he lost his weather balloon, was late, and said it was not going to rain--it started raining 15 minutes into his talk). 
 They also have some really cool things at the library to bring home.  There are three science themed backpacks, that Little Man has brought home.  This has been great for my gardening.  He can spend hours on the blanket, while I garden around him.  They also have a story walk that changes every other week.  It can be long on hot days, but is really nice on cooler days to go for a walk by the river. 
 The best activity so far has to been the microscope workshop.  Little Man found a spider that completely freaked his mom out.  He thought it was cool!

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