Saturday, July 26, 2014

Compost Gardening

Andy thinks the vegetables growing out of the garden look better then our actual garden.  So far we have three tomato plants, and two squash plants growing out of our compost pile. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Local Library

Our local library is amazing.  They have wonderful free programs all summer that we have been able to take advantage of.  There is a science theme this summer, and we have been able to attend everything from music programs, a "science" magician, plays and several other programs as the summer has progressed.  Here is just s snippet of the things we have been able to do at the library (at least the things I have taken pictures of). 
Little man attended a soap carving workshop that was put on the "Birds of Vermont" museum.  He made a cardinal for my aunt, however, it never actually made it to her because the tail fell off.  As part of it he was able to bring home his carving tool, and proceeded to carve every bar of soap we own. I woke up the next morning (he woke up at 5:00am to carve) to soap shavings everywhere.  While I love his enthusiasm, we had to limit the carving a little. 
 In addition to the workshops there have been several performances.  There was a pretty cool science magician and Little Man came home wanting to make things explode, or fizz. Also The Very Merry Theater performance of the Lone Ranger, The Swing Peepers (they were amazing) came to sing, and a weather man came to talk (he was not very good, he lost his weather balloon, was late, and said it was not going to rain--it started raining 15 minutes into his talk). 
 They also have some really cool things at the library to bring home.  There are three science themed backpacks, that Little Man has brought home.  This has been great for my gardening.  He can spend hours on the blanket, while I garden around him.  They also have a story walk that changes every other week.  It can be long on hot days, but is really nice on cooler days to go for a walk by the river. 
 The best activity so far has to been the microscope workshop.  Little Man found a spider that completely freaked his mom out.  He thought it was cool!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Snowfarm Vineyard

An evening in the vineyard with great wine, friends, music, and beautiful views.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Little Man and Art

Little Man has an interesting relationship with art.  At home I see him rush through things, and not put a whole lot of effort into the things he makes.  However, when mom and dad are not present people actually tell us that he is a good artist and we need to foster it.  So, despite my own lack of artistic ability, we foster his interest, and love of art where we can. 
On New Years Eve we went into the pottery studios while we were waiting for a performance.  Little Man was fascinated by the wheel turning, and as a result we attended two of the family drop ins over the course of the year.  During this time, it was determined that Little Man would do a wheel turning camp during the summer while mommy was at work.  After a week of soccer camp, it was determined that he liked the drop in nights, but not a whole week of camp.  He had fun and made some cool stuff, but the love affair with pottery ended there. 
Two weeks ago we attended a Celebrate The Arts Festival in Waterbury.  There were several different artist demonstrating their various arts, but Little Man's favorite was the henna artist.  Despite some protest from daddy, we let him get a small tattoo on his hand which he wore proudly for a little over a week before it faded away.

 Of course what would any event in Waterbury be without Ben and Jerry's ice cream!
 While there does seem to be a small amount of interest in Little Man, ultimately, he just wants to explore and be left alone with the bugs and critters that crawl by. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Poorhouse Pies

I am currently training for two races that involve some pretty major hill climbs, and as a result I spend Sunday mornings before church running up the side of a mountain.  This week I managed to pull two other friends along with me; one of them slightly food obsessed. 
As we are making our way back down the mountain, she informs us about a place on our way home selling specialty doughnuts on Sunday mornings at 8:00am.  Realizing that we have just burned off all those calories running up the side of a mountain, the most logical thing for us is of course to stop at this wonderful establishment at the base of the mountain.  Not that we could have missed it due to the line of people standing out waiting to buy doughnuts.  I picked up maple bacon doughnuts for the boys, and coconut cream one for me; arriving at church with a slight sugar buzz. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Task 14: Case For A Creator

Historically, I have been inconsistent with my daily devotional times, despite any efforts I have made and systems developed to keep me on track.  Then, three and a half years ago, I started what was meant to be a year long read through the bible program.  I went into it knowing I would fail, so rather than fail I broke it down into a three and a half year long program.  It worked! 
My goal for this year was to find a good bible study to keep myself going as I was finishing my read through the bible plan.  I chose "The Case for a Creator," by Lee Strobel.  It is a book I have wanted to read and it coincides with what the youth group is doing on Sunday nights which is nice. This said, however, I may have gone a little overboard only two days into the book. 
After listening to the high school bible study last night and reading the first two chapters; I set out determined to show my 6 year old the intricate design of a cell that could only come from a creator.  Yep...we made cells with play dough today.  Just like the ones that 9th grade high school students make.  He now thinks his mom is nuts. Oh and my friend who is a Christian Chemist is coming to visit this week.  Poor kid is going to be doing quantum mechanics by the end of the week.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Poor Chickens

Since I know some people who read this blog do not use facebook, I thought I would post on the chickens.
Last week we had a raccoon take out all of beloved chickens.  Now my husband has waged a small war against the raccoon.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Task 13: New State Park

This next goal may have been a little too easy.  Every year we tend to camp in at least one Vermont State Park that is new to us.  Sometimes with friends, sometimes on our own, so a goal of visiting a new park is a bit of a cop-out since it was bound to happen anyway. 
This year's new park; Emerald Lake. We went with two other couples and their children who we typically do one camping trip with every summer.  This kids come to expect and look forward to it, and always have a lot of fun, even on the years when we have gotten soaked by torrential rains (this year was no different). They always have great stories and big adventures which we reminisce about around the fire year after year.
 This year started with rain (right around the time we were setting up camp).  The rain quickly passed over and left several downed trees in its wake.  One of them on a neighboring tent site's tent.  This did not faze the kids; rather they viewed it as yet another adventure to explore along their hike the next day. 

 One of my friends does a great job of providing the kids with hours of entertainment, this year was no different.  The kids had all sorts of glowing things to entertain themselves with as we waited for the fireworks.
The next day, new adventures were had by all as we took the kids off to Bromley Mountain.  Even Daddy tried the Alpine slide for the first time.  Let me rephrase that, after much apprehension and a little complaining to go on the Alpine Slide to begin with, Daddy quickly handed Little Man off to Mommy and beelined it for the fast slide, although unlike the other adults who were able to ride alone, he did not dance all the way there, just left with a big childlike grin on his face. 

Another great adventure completed!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pesto Pizza

 My son attends a school with a farm to table initiative.  Meaning a majority of the food served at his school comes from local farmers or the school garden.  Every week there is a pesto pizza day.  It is what actually caused us to switch from making him a lunch every day to choosing which days he wants lunch from home or school.  He loves the stuff.
As a result of Little Man's pesto pizza obsession, there are currently 8 basil plants in our backyard.  For anyone who has never grown basil before, that is a lot of basil.  Little Man has been staling them relentlessly for the moment when he would have enough to make pesto (3 cups).  Wednesday was that day!