Saturday, December 7, 2013

Woman On Her Own At The Farmers Marker

My dear husband made a grave mistake and let me go to the Farmers Market without him.  When my husband goes, he goes with a plan; vegetables, meat and something for lunch.  When I go, there is not a single plan on my mind.  While this does lead to a much more enjoyable experience (I am not on a mission to find all the items on my list),  it does lead to a much more interesting assortment of food.  Once Little Man and I had leisurely enjoyed some Pakistani food and ginger-pear cider, we scoped out the dessert vendors, Mommy tasted wine and ended up with two bottles to bring home and we picked up some nut butter for Daddy.  Not really dinner material, but food/drink that will make life a lot more enjoyable later.  Next time I think Andy is going with me to the Farmers Market again. 

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