Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter Birds

A few years ago my son's pre-school class learned about birds that stay here for the winter.  Since that point, he has been obsessed with chickadees, cardinals, bluebirds, and any other bird he sees hanging around in the winter time.  Thankfully, my mother gave me a birdseed birdhouse for Christmas, so that when my Lego-obsessed son did not want to get some fresh air, I had something to entice him outside.  The deal was, all he had to do was help me hang it up.  Once outside, we found tracks that the birds had left around some of my plants and saw a cardinal flying through the brush.  Little Man forgot all about the Legos and we were able to entertain ourselves for about an hour before going back inside for hot chocolate. Thank goodness for the birds who stick around in the winter, otherwise Little Man would have spent the entire day sitting on the living room floor. 

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