Thursday, December 26, 2013

Needed a Second Opinion

Last weekend I traveled to the Farmers' Market and stumbled upon one of the chevre (goat cheese) vendors.  This particular vendor had several unusual flavored cheeses, and I sampled a few and managed to get stuck on the one below.  The truth is that I was just not sure about it.  Did I like it, or was it just too odd for even my taste?  After careful consideration; I decided that we would have several people at our house over the course of the next few days and needed a second opinion.  My guest willingly became guinea pigs, and the with the exception of my son and husband, everyone decided that they liked the cheese(Your son and husband think those people were just being polite).  So what kind of cheese was it?  Rosemary-lavender chevre. I told you it was interesting. 

1 comment:

  1. Whatever is in that container has turned bad and needs to be thrown out!lol
