Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rollin Irish

As some of you know I have been battling back from an injury this spring.  For the most part I was out in January and February.  Before the pain became unbearable and I broke down and headed to the physical therapist; I signed up for a half marathon.  The purpose of this was to help me not lose my running base in the winter.  It was a small half and my friend and I decided that if nothing else, our goal was to finish(and if we did not think we could make the cut off, jump in the bushes and wait for the course to clear).  Now there a few things you should know about this course; first of all, most of the people who were running it were fast and using this as a speed workout for an upcoming marathon (so much for novice runners).  Secondly, this race was classified as wicked hilly and it was by no means an understatment.  I lost count at 10 hills and the one pictured below is one of the friendlier hills on the course(I am the person in black). 
However, with a mile left to go, the boys managed to catch me with a smile on my face, despite the pain.  I finished, my time was slow, but hey I knew it would be. 

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