Sunday, April 21, 2013

Garden Party

My favorite garden store; Gardener's Supply had a "Garden Party" this past Friday.  It was wonderful; when you walk in they hand you a ticket to pick up a drink from one of the local wineries or breweries and direct you to the food tables before shopping.  Since shopping with a 5 year old is typically a very stressful experience, I headed for the wine table and picked up a cup of cider for the Little Man, then we loaded some things on a plate and began to shop.  I never realized how much of a wonderful thing having a little plate of food for Little Man could be.  Every time I stopped to look at something he would sit at the end of the cart and munch away; in fact stopping to look was encouraged.  Then when the food ran out we headed over to the more interesting part of the store; the waterfall with fish.  Even better, if you choose the register furthest to the right, there is a kids play area that kids can play in while you wait in line.  It was the best shopping trip ever!
Not only did I manage to have wonderful shopping experience, I walked away with most of the items I needed for spring gardening.  Even better, school vacation is this week, and while we are going away for the second half, I had all weekend and the first part of the week to work in the garden.  Oh, life is good. 

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