Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Weekend of Good Eating and No Child

This past weekend, Andy and I attended a Family Life: Weekend to Remember.  I would highly recommend it to any married couple, it was a nice refresher course and they planned in plenty of date time over the course of the weekend.  That, and for us, it was the first time we have actually been away without Little Man, which meant we actually went out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and were actually able to enjoy it.  It was wonderful and I have every intention of sharing our culinary adventures for the weekend. 
To start with, Saturday Morning when we woke for breakfast, we wandered (not dragging a 5 year old) down the street to the Burlington Bay Cafe of the waterfront, less than 100 yards from our hotel.  We both enjoyed wonderful breakfast sandwiches while enjoying the view of the waterfront.  Then we sauntered back the hotel; bellies full of yummy food and were content in the knowledge that we did not settle for Dunkin Doughnuts or Starbucks like most of the other silly couples walking in.
 Since we had over an hour and a half for lunch, we wandered two blocks down the road (in the opposite direction most of the other couples went) to Big Fatty's BBQ.  Andy laughed at my order of Bacon Mac & Cheese Balls until I had him try one.  They were gooey cheesy goodness all rolled into one and I did not have to share with Little Man.  It was wonderful!
 Since "date night" started at 4:30, I convinced my wonderful and slightly reluctant husband to go for a run with me on the bike path before filling ourselves with more yummy goodness.  We have been wanting to eat at The Farm House Tap & Grill for a long time, however due to the long wait we have resisted, because who wants to deal with a long wait when you are accompanied by a five year old?  Not tonight my friends, we put our name down on the list, wandered up and down Church Street and then settled in for a wonderful locally sourced dinner.  Andy had a LaPlatte River Angus beef burger (partly because the owners of LaPlatte River live next door to us) and I had Misty Knoll Farm Chicken and Biscuits.  Both were wonderful and we realized while we were waiting that it is possible to make reservations ahead of time, which made a return trip all the more appealing. 
And then, of course there was dessert..........


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