Monday, April 22, 2013

Odd Day

Today was the first day of Spring Break and, while it was beautiful, there were a few odd moments that highlighted the day. To start out with, we went to Shelburne Farms with friends and this was the first thing we saw.  In my mind it was a sheep, since of course they just had a "Leaping Lambs Festival" the previous week.  In my son's mind, the bell around it neck meant it was a cow.  Any one else want to take a guess? 
 After we had finished petting the lambs, chasing the chickens and driving a tractor, I decided it was time to head home so I could do some yard work.  Since gardening with a 5 year old is often an adventure, I had Little Man bring some cars out to play in the garden beds while I cleaned out the flower beds.  After about five minutes, Little Man decided he was going to adventure through the one patch of knotweed we have yet to eliminate.  Three minutes later, he had taken one of the stalks and was running around the fenced in garden bed " protecting the chickens inside." One minute after that, he was hacking down the knotweed stalks telling them he was going to destroy them.  Yep, you know those yards you drive by where there is a little boy hacking violently at a tree in the yard?  This afternoon, that was the scene in my yard.  The good news is that he managed to take out that patch of knotweed for me.  Like I said, odd day. 

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