Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tribute to My Hubby On Father's Day

Since little man is not old enough to recognize how cool his Daddy is, I thought I would. You see, hubby started out as a city boy, until four years ago when we made the decision to move from 20 miles outside of D.C. to Vermont, because it was the healthy thing to do for both of us. Since then he has continued to do great things for our family and he is pretty cute too!
He is also amazingly creative and recently recycled an old window frame he found in the barn to use it for a pea trellis.

Also, even though he complains and gripes about all the crazy things I want to do, he somehow manages to take everything over, from pasteurizing milk, to playing with the chickens (I actually think he is more attached to them, than I am.)

As a tribute to Daddy, little man is making apple crisp! (Of course Daddy had to step in and show us how to use his neat little kitchen tool.)

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