Monday, June 7, 2010


Besides the chickens who will soon be running around the yard, we have a variety of other critters that inhabit our .5 of an acre of lot for our entertainment - and sometimes frustration. Let me introduce you to our wild inhabitants.

This is Chuck...errr...Chuckette, as we recently found out. We recently found out as we were relaxing on the patio one afternoon, that we have three smaller puff balls hanging out in the yard. They come and visit me when I am gardening, but of course I never have a camera on hand. Basically, they are my entertainment while gardening.

This guy would be the reason for the fence around the garden. If he messes with my snap peas this year, we may be having rabbit stew. We did notice the neighbors also putting a fence up around their raised beds the other day as well. The slightly evil part of me was hoping they wouldn't and the rabbit would hang out over there this summer.

I only have one picture of the various types of birds around the house and this is as close as the mom would allow me to get. For those of you who are visually impaired, there are three robin chicks in that nest. We also have a wren's nest in the other barn, a woodpecker who appears to like the stop sign across the road, humming birds who like to freak out the toddler as they whizz by his head, and several other bird varieties in the swampy area behind the house.

My favorite critter of them all!

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