Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I have to admit, I am extremely anti-chemical in any of my gardens. However, in recent days I have been significantly contemplating this stance, because we appear to be fighting a losing battle on the backside of my perennial garden. We have dug, cut, removed, mowed down, and covered up, and still I find myself wanting to take a lighter to my inner arm and torch the little row of itchy spots that I'm not supposed to scratch. And to top it all off, little man thinks the back unkempt part of my garden is a jungle waiting to be explored. Which I was happy to encourage....
Until Now........
Now I am faced with reality; continue to fight the battle and risk my cute little man suffering the same itchy fate as his mom? Or break my chemical rule and get rid of the shiny three-leafed red stuff?

1 comment:

  1. Avoid the chemicals - rent a Bobcat. Dozer all of that crap way back past the property line and start a fresh section of garden or keep a grass buffer between the wild and your garden.
