Friday, February 27, 2015

Two Tasks In One Day

Of course Andy's truck would break during vacation and rather than sleeping in we would spend our mornings waking up earlier than normal and driving Daddy to work.  As a means of combating the slight annoyance, Little Man and I decided to go out for breakfast one of the mornings.

There is a breakfast place in Winooski, Vermont that we used to live less than a tenth of a mile from in our pre-child years.  We always heard it was wonderful, but never wanted to get up early enough to avoid the hour long wait at the door.  Since Little Man and I were up with the sunrise dropping Daddy off, we decided to be the first ones in the door one morning. 

Little Man LOVES going out to eat.  Since we had to wait 10 minutes for it to open up, he was bouncing around the car like a pinball machine, and bounced right out the door when the lights in the window went on announcing the restaurants opening.  He was a little excited and knew exactly what he wanted.  Bacon! (for those of you who follow weird random news, this is the restaurant that took down the bacon sign because it offended others' religious beliefs, bacon was a must.) He, of course, had his bacon with a side of pancakes.  The food was good, our waitress was awesome and Little Man was super excited about the mint scented hand-wash in the bathroom.  You would think we never took him out.
Little Man was given a few choices for the day which included skiing, skating, oh and an art museum I wanted to check out.  Of course he choose the art museum......not what I would have guessed but OK.  So off we went to Middlebury College Museum of Art.  Surprisingly enough Little Man enjoyed himself, although not quite as much as he had at Sneakers.  I was slightly amused by the one of the workers at the museum who informed me that there were college students doing a photo shoot in the street art gallery, and they would be using a toy gun.  I refrained from telling him that Little Man's birthday present two years ago was a real bow, and arrow and he knows how to use it.  

Little Man spent the rest of the afternoon entertaining my dental hygienist, and when he left was rewarded with a pair of Groucho Marx glasses.  Like he really needs encouragement. 

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