Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sustainability for February

Last year we let the mother duck try and raise her ducklings when they hatched and not one made it more than 48 hours.  This year we decided we were going to help mother nature out a bit.  As soon as we had a broody duck, we prepped the brooder and had everything ready to go.  Of course they decided to come on a day when the temperatures were -3 during the day.  When Andy went out to give the ducks their water for the night, 7 little ducklings were huddled up in the coop.  All of them were scooped up and are currently living in our kitchen.  I am just hoping it gets warmer before they get too big; ducks grow fast!

Other sustainability tasks completed in January:
1. With Christmas money we bought a new washer since our last one did not spin and thus required two rounds in the dryer.  The new one is awesome!
2. A friend of mine helped me set up an ebay and craigslist account.  

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